Welcome to Corruption Madera County
At Corruption Madera County, we bring you real stories shared by real people living in Madera. Our platform is dedicated to shedding light on the truth and uncovering corruption in the county.
this web page is for you to tell your stories about corruption in the county

Madera County Attorneys are the beginning of corruption. They take on so many cases that they can't possibly defend. Inmates are entitled to representation by council as in the 6th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The attorneys are after the free money the state gives them. When an inmate knows any of their rights, and know a little about the law, The attorneys claim they have a conflict of interest. Or tell the inmate to shut up. Or never seeing the inmates. And delay, delay, delay, More money for the attorneys. Corruption!
In to the Madera County Justice System inmates are focused to represent their cases and wanting help from the courts. Howere, the courts hold a hearing called a Fratta Motion. Meaning self representation the first thing the Jude said's you don't get any special privileges you can use the phone to call witness. You get a peace of paper and pencil. They know exactly how to make sure people get convicted and they make sure the inmates get locked down in the shoue, (lock down)
inmates in Madera County Sheriff’s Department only any their day in court. That is not the case. It's corruption from the beginning to the wrongful conviction that take place in Madera County.
The Madera County District Attorney’s withhold discovery. Knowing they are violating the inmats rights to due process
The courts are the only ones that can stop this corruption. When the government withholds discovery. The courts should dismiss these cases. That would stop the corruption in the Madera County District Attorney’s Office

MADERA –Officials from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), the Madera County Sheriff’s Office, Department of Corrections, Probation Department, Board of Supervisors and a host of others were on hand Friday, Feb. 8, for the dedication of the new Madera County Jail expansion.
This was the first project completed in the state using special funds made available by AB900, the Public Safety and Offender Rehabilitation Services Act of 2007.AB900 authorized the CDCR to design, construct, or renovate prison and jail facilities to help reduce overcrowding. Madera County was first in line to apply for the funding, and was awarded $30 million for the project.
The expansion adds two new units to the jail, increasing inmate housing by 144 beds, and bringing the capacity of the facility to some 563 inmates.
“Over the last 16 months, California has made a historic change in correctional policy. Under Public Safety Realignment, we have created a stronger partnership between counties and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation,” said CDCR Deputy Secretary for External Affairs, Nolice Edwards. “As a result, more low-level offenders are now being housed and rehabilitated in their own communities instead of state prison.”
With the passage of AB109 in 2011, Public Safety Realignment allows non-violent, non-serious, and non-sexual offenders to serve their sentence in county jails instead of state prisons. This means that county jails have taken on the burden of many inmates who, before realignment, would have gone to state prison.
District Attorney Michael Keitz addressed the crowd, saying that the expansion of the jail is noon too soon.
“The advent of Realignment under AB109 has significantly impacted law enforcement, and decreased their ability to house persons newly arrested,” said Keitz. “Many defendants who would normally be sent to state prison, such as probation and parole violators, are now mandated to be held in our county jail. We have had to house inmates beyond the jail’s design capacity, and release inmates who would have not been released were it not for overcrowding.”
Keitz welcomed the additional capacity, noting the greater flexibility afforded to jail officials, and the ability of law enforcement to better protect the public and seek justice for the people of Madera County.
Manuel Perez, director of the Madera County Department of Corrections, is happy to be able to keep prisoners in custody who need to be there, rather than releasing them because there is no more room in the jail.
After the dedication ceremony, officials conducted a tour of the jail expansion, which has been designed to give jail officers more flexibility and provide greater security for both inmates and staff.
One feature of the new facility allows for inmates to communicate with their attorneys through video from private rooms, and plans are underway to offer Skype capabilities. This will allow family and friends to visit with inmates through video, saving them the time and expense of traveling to the jail in person.
While Madera County’s jail expansion is the first in the state to be completed with AB900 funds, it won’t be the last. The bill provides $1.2 billion for counties to build projects like the one in Madera to reduce overcrowding in local jails. Currently, 21 counties are expanding jails with state funds from AB 900
Stories from inmates
Constitutional rights taken from those who's voices are shushed
Inmate states that in 2019 when he came into Madera County Jail, He became PROPer (self represented) on or about December 28, 2019. At that time Sargent Mendoza and corrpral Alverez were in charge of C.S.U and in charge of PROPer defendants and all things related, they controlled incoming and outgoing mail, inmates diets, classification in the jail, every aspect of the jail, there isn't one department within the jail that C.S.U (classification department) doesn't control. There is not one officer in the history of Madera county jail that is trained whatsoever in law (where the staff may be officers, they are not trained or knowledgeable in the legal adjudication process within the courts). There is no litigation coordinator, these people have full control over what "they feel" PROPer defendants are able to have in order to fight there case. They're thoughts of what access to the courts is far from reality. They told the inmate who was simply trying to have a fair fight for his case that "Access through the courts is available through the mailing". Actual access to the courts is a constitutional right of the fourteenth amendment, such rights are for the jail to provide law library for legal assistance, provided and private postage, provided and private phone calls, separate program time for proper individuals to make there legal calls, so many aspects. The Madera County Jail provided me a letter telling me that I have access for my legal runner to bring me only (yellow) highlighters, mailing envelopes, postage stamps, and blue pen. And that if I'm not indigent then that is the only way I can receive said items. If I'm not indigent then I cant get this stuff, it is only available for me if I have my legal runner bring it to the jail for me. And that they will not provide it for me if I'm not indigent. Indigent services will be provided only in the same manner that non PROPer inmates get. Which consist of two stamped envelopes per week and four pages of lined paper, ect if I cant afford it. I filled a Habious Corpus on this place and this facilities attorney Lizono Smith from Fresno supplied the court with an informal response stating that I am entitled to indigent serviced and I receive indigent services, including copy services, and attach that I'm lying about everything, that I do receive such material and services, and Sargent Mendoza wrote a declaration stating that I am entitled to indigent services. And then attaches the department procedure policy manual with there response that says I am not entitled to indigent services along with copy service but then it contradicted there statement that the proper inmates are supposed to get indigent services if there proper...The proper letter showed to be fraudulent making our families pay for the things proper defendant inmates are entitled to receive. The true DPPM (Department policy & procedure manual) states that PROPer inmates are entitled to highlighters, postage stamped envelopes, ect. free from the counties inmate welfare fund, however we cant see the policy procedure manual, however the proper letter that the inmates get the legal runner to sign show that the only way we can receive these materials is if legal runner supplies it for us because they don't give it for free, so the question remains of 'what are they really spending this money on from the inmates welfare fund". Whenever I grieve the issue they say I'm wrong about it. I've come back this time to the jail and since then they've changed there PROPer letter so its different now, but there still acting the same. Like they're covering it up. The Madera County Department of corrections is lying about giving indigent PROPer defendants copies for legal work as my mother has had to donate plasma( blood) to be able to provide the money so that I could receive copy services. They recently in December of 2024 I was having copies made but didn't have quite enough for them so Sargent Behe out of spite threw what copies he had already made into the trash. Inmate states that he wrote down the dates and times so that the cameras within the facility can be looked at to show the cops huddling him, talking shit, stopping the copy services, getting them, acting like there about to shred them. Im watching officer Behe kneeling down, reading the copies of what I'm having copied (this a violation of PROPer rights as this inmate is representing himself in his legal case) Stopping the shredder and then keeps the documents and takes me out of there and back to my cell. The officers kept the documents as they contained information supporting my legal suit against the facility.
I was literally sitting in the office when Mendoza and Alverez where working as C.S.U. I have these times recorded as well, Im sitting in the chair, mind you I've already caught them keeping my artwork that was taken from my outgoing mail which they then put on there wall. I wrote the civil division of the F.B.I who came to the jail and talked to me about it. Then started there investigation within the jail, getting recorded testimony from the staff, caught them lying and took my artwork off there wall. That's already been in fact from 2020. So now I'm sitting inside the office and I'm probably about 15 feet away from this basket on Sargent Mendozas desk that I catch a glimpse of corner of a document that I can see is my name with handwriting in blue ink, it was kinda far away so I take the chance since I felt strongly it was my paperwork and walk over there, one of the guards tried to persuade me and said "hey" to get my attention then "hey! hey stop walking!" so I get over there and I look at it and its copies of all the paperwork that they've been coping of mine, making copies for themselves and storing them to go over my cases. I told them I want my copies there mine. Instead of respectfully giving me the stolen copies back they charged me for them giving me the receipt which I still have, then I try grieve the issue, and on the grievance they try to tell me that I'm lying, and that was a basket of "waste paper" (If it were truly waste paper it would be shredded and not on their desk) Then they restrict my grievances for there liability civilly. Furthermore when I was proper in 2019-2020 I was entitled to proper phone calls to my legal runner of which they never gave me them, my mom who was my legal runner at that time, has receipts from credit card statements and also the phone bills showing the phone calls costed $15 a piece, tallying to thousands of dollars because they denied me getting these, and then they denied me from accessing the phones. So then I had get myself in trouble while in jail so that they would move me into E module which is a max lock-down module meaning I never come out of the cell for security reasons, so the cells are equipped with phones. But it gave me the opportunity to conduct my case. I then filed another Habeas corpus regarding phone issues since proper individuals are to receive free legal calls. Mendoza decided to stop my outgoing mail from responding to there informal response to the courts, the court then ruled in the jails favor since my response was not filled in time. Furthermore the fabrication of documents and evidence is thick here. The inmate states that anyone can be sentenced for 30 days and become rich off a lawsuit, that's how bad it is."
Tell us the truth about Emmanuel Julius Burton
The case of 2 year old Emmanuel Julius Burton is a questionable story that leaves me wondering how could Madera county frame Cornel Jackson, a father who has four healthy happy children, the third one being adopted and loved as his own. Cornel's children all of whom are active in the community playing sports throughout schooling with the oldest playing football at the school, the next playing pee wee football then football through high school as well, then his adopted son did cross country and football, and his youngest ran track, played soccer, football, and is all American athlete at Sierra Vista school. Cornel was active in all of his children's lives attending practices, games, school award ceremonies, participated in jog-a-thons and also donated to events and school functions, on top of his busy work schedule he made time for his children. This doesn't show a man capable of abusing a child to death then dumping him along with 2 of his own children alone at a gas station..so after intensive investigating I've found many errors and falsification within the police reports, autopsy, the firm that conducted the autopsy, public child care agencies, and public press reports.
2 year old Emmanuel was brought into Cornel and his families care three days prior to Emmanuel's passing, When Emmanuel's father asked Monica (Cornel's ex) if the child could stay with them due to homelessness as they had been sleeping in dumpsters, the child looked to be in a horrible way, covered in bruises and cigarette burns. When Cornel returned home from work, being a father of four sons himself..Cornel couldn't turn the child away to continue living on the streets in such appalling conditions as Emmanuels father was suffering from an unknown underlining medical issues as well as drug addiction and in no way capable to care for the child. Cornel and his ex girlfriend Monica had begun the necessary legal steps in order to provide for the child including a home visit from the county child services which was scheduled for the day before Emmanuels passing. The social worker failed to arrive as scheduled, where if she had, she would have seen the abuse poor two year of Emmanuel had to survive before finding care at Cornells residence, If the county worker would have showed to the home visit, checking the residence and make sure it was where Emmanuel needed to be she would have provided a professional opinion about Emmanuels current state suggesting medical care. Even if she had showed up and declared Emmanuel's health was in need of professional medical care beyond what she felt the family could provide at least the child could have received it and Cornel and his family would have accepted that for the sake of the child. For the reason for taking in Emmanuel was to provide a safe nurturing environment. It was later found that Madera County Child Support Services had a backlog of 1,000 cases of child abuse cases, some being sexual that were ignored. The Fresno Bee Editorial board had printed the article after an investigation took place, dated March,16,2020 (see pg.5 of the Fresno Bee) The article states that "more than 300 reports were not investigated because a worker kept them in special locked waste baskets".
On day three of Emmanuels stay with Cornel Jackson and family, Cornel was preparing Emmanuel for bed by bathing him with warm water and a washcloth. While bathing Emmanuel, Cornel panicked to call emergency personnel for the child as, Emmanuel had became unconscious and had difficulty breathing. Cornel had remained on the phone with 911 and was on his way to the hospital with emmanuel and two other children. The dispatcher on the other line instructed Cornel to pull over and wait for the paramedics who were to meet him at the BP gas station to take Emmanuel into to hospital by ambulance. When emergency personnel arrived Cornel then alerted the officer on the scene that he was going to get Emmanuels biological father before he left Emmanuel, and his two other children with the paramedics and other emergency personnel on scene.
Perhaps this act sparked from pure panic to get the childs biological father, leaving the older children with not only there soon to be younger sibling but also emergency responder's can be looked at by some as something more than it was such as neglect, but certainly not murder as the child in question was breathing and in the care of the EMT's.
Now we are going to get into the aspect of this case that leaves me disgruntled. Two year old Emmanuel Burton was alive and breathing for 55 minutes after arriving to the hospital. Unfortunately the babies prior injuries and drug exposure were beyond the efforts of saving, and he tragically did not make it. After his passing Emmanuels body was victim of to Dr. Mark A. Super of Forensic Medical Group a company hired by Madera County to preform the autopsy. Yes Emmanuals body had previous cuts and bruises from before Jacksons family welcomed the 2 year old into there home, but nothing of the mutilation described in the autopsy report. The toddlers face was peeled back, skin opened and peeled from his extremities. But hold on looking closer at the autopsy report and death certificate states that the boy that was examined was caucasian? Emmanuel was black, now I could excuse a little typo but this an autopsy report and death certificate were talking about, every detail should be accurate, Did they even autopsy the correct body or did they use report from another unrelated case? The details of the child's body who was autopsied described horrific FRESH events happening while the child was alive as if that was the the immediate cause of death. Emmanuel had gone through a lot of trauma prior to occupying Cornel Jacksons residence, in Which he had only stayed for three days and certainly the wounds had not had time to heal. Some of the photos of the child postmortem show a hole in his lip, as if he had bit threw it while seizing..in my experience from loved ones with brain injuries and knowledge concludes the the child had a brain injury for several days causing this response from his body, why would Dr. Mark Super conclude and point the finger at Cornel Jackson when the evidence Shows the biological father throwing the child at a wall as just one example. Dr. Mark A. Super is part owner and full time employee at Forensic medical group, which is where he began working after he was fired in 2010 from his position as chief forensic pathologist for unspecified reasons. Apparently were supposed to trust this mans competence and trust his work, I for one certainly do not. Forensic Medical Group is a Private firm that practices more than a dozen counties as customers, with little overhead. In 2009 records show there billing had revenue of more than $3 million, 30% more than its records in 2006. In 2010 Forensic medical Groups pathologist handled more than 1,000 cases a year. Dr.Arnold Josselson, the firms vice president said "the firm has little overhead aside from its doctors" each of which make more than $100,000, but declined to provide more exact numbers. The clients of forensic Medical Group provide examination facilities and tools also pay for death scene investigators, toxicology testing and technicians to assist with physical labor. Forensic Medical Group head quarters in Fairfield is little more than an invoice processing center. The firm currently has five doctors, each of whom handle 300 or more cases a year, well above the annual workload the National Association of medical examiners recommends for forensic pathologist.
The firm lost Marin County's business when Ken Holmes, the county's elected coroner, saw the firms work was slipping after receiving a call from a grieving husband who was reading over his wife's autopsy report. The husband reported to Holmes that the autopsy report described her overies as "unremarkable" in fact, the husband said, his wife's overies had been removed 30 years prior. Forensic Medical Group in a written response, said Holmes never informed the company about there alleged mistake.The firm added that it believed Marin County served ties over autopsy scheduling complaints, not quality concerns. Marin County has since merged its coroner and sheriffs office , and now contracts with a certified forensic pathologist.
Records also show forensic Medical Group has over doubled its its rates, which is still cheaper than some smaller private firms. However Alameda County, which has a full-time chief pathologist and two contractors pay about $650 per death investigation, which is still almost half as much as what Forensic Medical Group charges..and without error as the practice is smaller and doesn't cover such a vast amount of county clients.
Why hasn't anyone looked at Emmanuel Julius Burton's death certificate and coroners report and questioned the mistakes within it, and why hasn't Madera County questioned their hired coroner, Forensic Medical group about the competence of the report. Why is Madera County so adamant to convict Cornel Jackson? Is it because of his skin color which helps keep there statistics in line through there justice system? Or is it because Cornel is an easy target rather than convict there own county workers? Or is it because shedding the light on this case alone will bring forward years and years of falsified documents and corruption that the county simply doesn't want to be seen, for they are accountable and indeed the problem.
Cornel Jackson has been pleading his innocence against the death of Emmanuel Burton for 8 years. For 8 years this man could have been home with his family, raising his children, being a part of his community again. Madera counties corruption has taken more than enough from this family, and taken the justice away from Emmanuel Julius Burtons tragic death.
Family of inmates, having to fear for there loved ones
Hello,my name is Dana Rae and my husband Travis is an inmate within the Madera county department of Corrections, where he is being held while he is forgoing the court process to defend himself against charges being filed against him.Further more he is not convicted of the crimes he is being charged with, he has been fighting his case for just over two years. The Madera County Department of corrections scares me..not for reasons most would assume, such as gang violence or stabbings. No! My fear stems from the hostility from the jail staff towards inmates, particularly my Husband. He has been incarcerated for 6 months now having to fight his case from within the jail, as Madera County Judicial system incorrectly set his court date ( the date my husband showed up to court was the date he had not only agreed to appear on but also the date the court transcript reflected) When he appeared to court on 4/26/2024 he waited in the court room to be called but never was. He then announced to council that he was present and would like to be called. The court then told my husband Travis that his appearance for that date had been canceled because he failed to appear days before on 4/19/2024 and a warrant had been issued. My husband Travis then immediately went to the bail bondsman to get a letter of reinstatement to provide to the court in order to get back on calendar with the courts however the bail bondsman wasn't able to do so because the courts had not put into the system that my husband had a failure to appear..This went on for several months, all the while my husband had to fear that he would be pulled over or something of the matter causing him to be arrested on his warrant. Not to mention during this time we continually tried to save up money to be able to pay the court fee Madera County mandates with no option for a fee waiver in order to get put back on calendar rather than have to be arrested in order to get back on the court calendar.My husband and I were constantly checking to see if a warrant had become active for him, but then in September 2024 my husband was pulled over and taken into custody for his now active warrant. The courts ignored my husbands plea of the clerical error within the courts even with the $116.38 purchase of the transcripts from previous court dates showing my husbands incorrect failure to appear, the court simply didn't want to hear it or act upon there due diligence.Instead they raised his bail to nearly $1,000,000. $820,000 is way beyond any amount we could even consider, so my husband has had no option other than to try to fight his case from behind bars. This felt so unfair as my husband is way more than just my husband, he is the father to our son, our provider, and most importantly he is the only person I have to make medical decisions for my behalf since my brain aneurysm rupture resulting after a car accident in 2023. Scrolling past our need to have my husband home highlights the grave corruption within the Madera county superior court and Madera county jail. My husband has learned the hard way through not only his own experiences but also from witnessing first hand that he has to represent himself if he doesn't want a public defender using him in some trade deal with the district attorney. Although defendants have the right to represent themselves and still have a fair trial the Madera superior court certainly doesn't play fair since they don't gain revenue through the courts from a defendant who represents themselves rather than the court appointed one. Instead they do everything they can within and not in their power to insure the county profits off of the defendant by sentencing them to their county department of corrections (CDCR) (without the rehabilitation). Within the Madera county department of corrections inmates are yet another source of income for the county. We will get more into that in a moment but first I want to emphasize on the fact that the court system is crooked.Even our honorable appointed judges who's job is to remain unbiased and fair, favor the prosecution...If putting a person through the ringer of court fees, incarceration fees, probation, ect, pays the bills and you've lost morality for others why not. My husbands case is well beyond his speedy trial rights which he has not waived, yet they continue to ignore his motions knowing such motions will release him from their custody.
The Madera County Department of Corrections is the worst. They treat the inmates most of which are not sentenced meaning they are innocent until proven guilty, like they are nothing. These inmates are somebody's kid, brother, sister, spouse, parent, every single person in there is somebody to someone. Maybe they took a wrong turn in life and maybe they didn't but they should still be treated like human beings. Just in the last couple months the jail staff turned off the plumbing to my husbands dorm who he is housed with 9 other people. I was calling asking to talk to someone higher up in the chain of command every time I called to confront the situation since they could care less about the countless grievance forms my husband submitted or my calls for that matter, it felt as though the situation was a just a sick joke they were playing, Which that is exactly what it was, after the 6 painful days of my husband being forced to hold his bowels the jail officers finally decided to turn the switch back on to resume water to his cell. The jail staff also took away my husbands grievance rights because of the matter which violates his constitutional right to petition the government.
The jail staff taunts the inmates trying to get a reaction out of them, knowing 1.the inmate is going to physically react creating entertainment for the officers within the module or 2. the inmates will stay calm but ultimately be locked in their cell suffering in the feeling of helplessness, knowing that if they don't control there emotions they will receive additional time and punishment.
There is more than enough incidences where the jail ignores the the health and well being of the inmates simply because they could care less.
Before having to watch as Madera county rips my husbands constitutional rights away from him, I knew little about the law and the correct actions and procedures in which the system is required to take. I knew in my heart that something wasn't right and began my research into the law, criminal justice, rights as Americans (incarcerated or not) then opened my eyes to see the mass injustice. I pray someone someday will have a loud enough voice to bring justice to all the corruption. I feel that with enough of us OUR VOICES WILL BE HEARD!
Patrick Joseph Booth was wrongfully convicted in 2006 for the crime of home invasion.
Darn and Jastain Baker, was brutality beaten while they slept in their home on Seabright Drive, Madera County California. Their family was forced to spend 12 hours in a small bathroom. Jastain Baker broke out of the bathroom and ran to their neighbors for help.
Mr. Booth was interviewed for this story. He produced hundreds of documents that gives his claims a believable and credible representation.
By: Patrick Joseph Booth
hello, my name is Patick. I was charged, and convicted of the Baker family home invasion. Let me be clear about something before I get to my story. I believe cold-heartly that the Baker's went through something. I believe that whoever did this crime is still out there, I truly believe the two corrupt cops [Tolbert Campbell and Karl Hancock] assured the Baker family that I was the person who committed the crime.
Let me explain why the cops did that. August 2004, I was arrested in Reno, Nevada. Tolbert Campbell and Karl Hancock integrated me at the Washoe County Jail. I was called out of my unit to report to the medical unit. I was notified that Madera County Sheriff’s deputies were their to question me. And they were asking if I would submit to a DNA test. I agreed to the test. A nurse took one vile of blood and swabbed the inside of my mouth.
I was escorted to an interview room were I met Tolbert Campbell and Karl Hancock. They were nice, calm, cool, and collected. I asked "what's this about?" Campbell, sitting in front of me said " Well you know it's about Madera County." I told Campbell, "Okay and? " He then said "let me read you your rights first" And so he did.
Campbell started telling me about the Baker home invasion. I got upset and told Tolbert Campbell and Karl Hancock too fuck off. Bull shit. You have the wrong motherfucker. Get the fuck out of here! !
Hancock graded my arm an jerked me out of my chair. And said "Okay I am going to take photographs of your arms". I said yes absolutely. They took a lot of photographs of my tattoos. It was odd the way they were spending a lot of time on my tattoos. They were very upset at me when I told them to fuck off. I want an attorney. I have nothing to say to you. They were calm and said okay. We will take you back.
We walked out of the investigation room. As soon as the door closed, Campbell grabbed my handcuffs that were attached to my waist. (BELLY CHAINS) spun me around and said "listen here you little mother motherfucker, your going to talk to me. I don't give a fuck! All make God dam sure you spend the rest of your life in prison. I looked up and seen a Washoe County Sheriff’s deputy walking by. I yelled I am done!
I was literally scared. I have never felt that kind of fear in my life. I believe he would have killed me if not for being in jail. Hancock told me "Don't worry we will get you" the Washoe County Deputy took me back to my cell.
I went to prison in Nevada Department of Corrections. Were I violated my prole. To this day I don't know what I did to violate my prole. There was nothing I did that violated the law. Madera did not ask Nevada to extradite me to Madera County California. After my reception time I went to see my inmate counselor, which notified me that Madera County leveled a warrant for my arrest.
I filed a demand for a speedy trial. California Penal Code section 1381, 1382. Which states the County of Madera has 90 days to try Me. I filled the 1381, October 2004. I wanted to prove my innocents.
Madera County District Attorney Ernest Joseph Licalsi did not take me to trial for 14 months. Violating my right to a fast and speedy trial. The Madera County Superior Court denied my motion to dismiss the case because of the violation. Nope, corruption.
Madera County District Attorney’s Office had a year to prepare a case against me. They make it seem like because I wanted a fast trial
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“Corruption Madera County has been a crucial source of information for me. The stories shared here have opened my eyes to the realities of living in Madera.”
[John Doe]
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Corruption Madera County
Madera, California, United States
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Corruption Madera County is committed to shining a light on the truth and exposing corruption in Madera. Our platform provides a voice for the community and empowers individuals to share their stories.